Pay-per-Click Search Engines and Classifieds
Do You Advertise? Sign up today and Get a $25 BONUS CREDIT from Yahoo! Search Marketing! Place yourself on the top of search results on Yahoo!, AltaVista, CNN.com and many others. Get your site in front of users right when they are actively searching for your products, services and information.
Is your Search Campaign just skimming the surface? Reach deep into the internet with Search 123. Get additional Search traffic at a fraction of the cost. Deposit $50 and we'll give you $20 Free! Try Search123.
The 7Search/Pay-Per-Ranking advertising program generates quality website traffic on behalf of thousands of advertisers through its pay-per-click (bid for placement) advertising search engine. Currently providing results for over 400 million searches per month, 7Search specializes in serving website owners of "low profit margin" categories of business that can not afford to pay over ten cents per visitor.

Ah-Ha is now Enhance Interactive - Drive traffic to your website with a pay per click account at Enhance. We specialize in driving highly targeted traffic to thousands of advertisers. We'll put your URL where it will be found.
Free Membership! igaroo.com is the biggest search engine and directory targeted to webmasters and web marketeers. We have more than 80,000 affiliate websites linking to us. Pay-per-click listings for 1 cent.

Pulse 360's search network (Kanoodle.com) allows website owners like you to target customers who are actively searching for YOUR product and/or services. You simply bid on the keywords that apply to your website and your chosen listings will appear throughout Pulse 360's search network. Pulse 360 currently receives 260,000,000 searches per month, and you can include your site within those results!
List your advertisement on one of the Top 400 most visited websites on the Internet! Bid on your keywords and when someone runs a search for a keyword that you selected as your paid keyword, then on the resulting page your ad will be placed based upon your bid and bids of other people who have the same keyword selected for their ads. The rest is simple: the higher your bid is compared to other bidders, the higher is your ad's placement on our pages.
Email 60,000 per month spam free from OUR servers! One click sends directly to 2000 opportunity seekers daily! Completely spam free! Actual email addresses of all leads are available to you as well if you prefer to use your own bulk email program. Sign up now you will immediately receive over 10,000 leads!

Forget ordinary autoresponders. Try revolutionary Smart Responders absolutely FREE! Skyrocket your SALES, explode your PROFITS and save loads of TIME by delivering information instantly and following up automatically with your HOT prospects, 24 hours a day! This amazing new tool will save you time, effort and money!
AWeber's full-service follow up autoresponder accounts INCLUDE mailing list capability!
Get text or HTML messages, ad tracking, personalization, and graphical statistics.
A quality Pro Autoresponder is the most powerful and automatic marketing system that exists. Get all the features you'll ever need at a price much lower than you'll find anywhere. AdlandPro offers the BEST Autoresponder Service Package on the Internet: You won't get it cheaper anywhere, You won't get better service or support, You will get RESULTS.
SAFE Direct E-Mail Advertising

You'll Love this FREE System! Join Herculist For FREE and Submit Your Ad! Herculist is a 100% optin safe-list. Say goodbye to downloading thousands of e-mail addresses. Say good bye to the fear of getting booted by your ISP. Herculist is the answer to all your internet marketing needs.
Do you need Smart Direct E-Mail? Join over 2000 active, satisfied members. Over 2000 of the safest, and most responsive opt-in e-mail addresses available! No autoresponders are allowed on Smart-list! Your offer goes to real people! Join Smart-List, Over Four Years of Safe
E-mail Advertising!
Elixir Safelist is a High Tech Safelist, fully loaded with advanced features and a 5 tier affiliate program with huge earning potential. It is a paid members only safelist, with rewards for viewing ads, so your ads will get read. Elixir Safelist is a Unique Safelist, with incentives for members to visit your site, and multiple ways to earn as an affiliate. Check it out!

Send your SOLO message to 100,000 responsive double opt-in ezine subscribers each month.
Hundreds of leads added to the database daily! Dozens of additional Member Resources.
E-Mail To More Than 70,000,000! -- That's 70 Million Every Month! -- That's 2.3 Million Every Day! Prospects have requested to receive offers! This is NOT Spam! 100% Guaranteed! 100% Spam Free! -- The Ultimate in Internet Marketing!
Website Promotion Resources

IBP is the award-winning web site promotion and search engine submission software tool that helps you to get more revenue with high search engine rankings in Google, the new Yahoo and all other major search engines. IBP is a suite of 10 professional web promotion tools that help you with all aspects of web site promotion and search engine optimization. Download the powerful FREE demo version!
Professional submission of your Ad or Website to over 80,000 search engines/directories for ONLY $15!!
If you've got a Website, you should use this service!!!
 Is your website popular? Download your free copy of Link Popularity Check!
Link Popularity Check (LPC) is a popular freeware program that allows you to check the link popularity of your web site on many search engines at once. In addition, LPC compares your web site to your competitors, and it also tells you the Alexa Traffic Rank of every web site in the list. Link popularity is very important to get high search engine rankings. Almost all online businesses need to know the link popularity of their web sites. Link Popularity Check is completely safe to install on your system. It will not change the system registry and it will not make any unauthorized connections from your system. The software also includes an uninstaller. Download your FREE copy now!
EXCELLENT shareservice that automatically registers your site at major search engines and directories.
If you have a website you want to promote, you should check out SelfPromotion. It uses a sophisticated robot to submit your webpages to all the important search engines and directories. Best of all, you can use the site for free -- Then if you like it, pay what YOU think it's worth! The guy who runs it has reinvented tipping!
Is your site not getting enough traffic? WorldWidePromoter has been helping thousands advertise their site every month all over the internet. Our system submits URLs to over 62255 search engines, an amazing 3.1 Million FFA (Free For All) link pages, over 144180 Classified Ads sites and over 15606 Message Boards!
Increase traffic to your site with the Top50.to Top List. Join the Top50.to Top List program now and get $5 as you register. Sign up today, it's free!
ARELIS is a great software program that increases your link popularity, improves your ranking on search engines and gets lots of free targeted traffic to your website. ARELIS helps websites get a higher ranking on search engines by improving link popularity - Google, HotBot, AltaVista, MSN, Inktomi and others all use link popularity in their ranking formulas. Download your free demo and try it out!
Blast your ad or webpage to over 400,000 sites. Get Automated daily,weekly,monthly submissions.
A new standard for submissions to top classified sites, search engines, FFA pages, and more.

After search engines, the best way to promote your website is with Link Trades.
Links4Trade is a revolution in web promotion. Reciprocal linking has never been this fast or easy.
Get TRAFFIC - Make MONEY! Finally a FAIR 1:1 banner exchange that brings in TARGETED TRAFFIC
and PAYS YOU! The Fair-X Banner exchange is the FIRST banner exchange to target opportunity seekers,
webmasters, MLM'ers and small business owners!
The 'Directory of Ezines', The WORLD's FIRST and most POWERFUL, Searchable Database of Ezines.
All the info you need to start, maintain and track a highly effective Internet e-zine advertising campaign.
Reach millions of readers with the click of a mouse. When getting noticed matters...count on Ezine Ads!
Put your ad in front of the over 30,000 Member, Fully-Active loyal subscribers to Adland Digest (since 1998). With only a few short clicks, your ad could be in one of the Top Spots of the Adland Digest as early as the next issue. If you have business opportunity or are promoting products that help with advertising or promotion, our audience is going to be exactly what you need. Numerous ad placement and pricing options. You won't find a more targeted and responsive list anywhere!
No Hype, No Bull, Just Good, Cheap Advertising. Your Ad in 20 eZines for only $10.
World's Ultimate e-Magazine Database. Nicely arranged by categories with content descriptions.
Advertising Membership Services

Classified ad Blaster, Media Blaster, Search Engine Submitter, Article Blaster, Press Release Blaster,
Website Announcement Blaster, Free-For-All Blaster and many more killer promotion tools!
Incredible Advertising Tools and a Great Business Opportunity. AdlandPro Classifieds has long been one of the top advertising websites on the Internet. Get 3,000 advertising credits every month, free automatically renewed ad, free 600,000 sites submission, free follow-up autoresponders, URL tracking service and much, much more... Plus, Affiliates Earn 30% commission on ALL sales!
AdBlaster Autosubmitter submits automatically and instantly to over 100 Advertising Networks across the net! Get 5,000 Hits to your Website per Hour! SPAM-FREE ADVERTISING. EXPLODE YOUR SALES OVERNIGHT!!!
Find SUCCESS online and get profitable by keeping costs down, especially advertising costs. You won't really understand how to do this until you read Shawn Casey's book, 'Mining Gold On the Internet'. Shawn has developed several very successful Websites that bring in a ton of money, and he's built them all without spending a lot of money on marketing. He specializes in no-cost and low-cost strategies that anyone can use.

A battle-tested AdSense Manual that picks up where Google left off, handing you the secret keys to multiplying your Google AdSense income with a series of lazy, 10-second tweaks! This special manual contains the most impressive Google AdSense tips and tricks, available for the first time as an instant download.

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Just Want the Free Advertising Resources?

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